5 Popular Supplements In Gummy Form

Popular Gummy Supplements flavorful tasty gummies

The global market is seeing a dramatic increase in gummy supplement users with no end in sight. What originally was introduced as a more attractive way for children to consume their vitamins has exploded to consumers of all ages.

People want variety and are tired of the same delivery system. As our society continues to take charge of their health, businesses should consider offering these popular gummy supplements to their customers.  


Tasty and discreet, tetrahydrocannabinol gummies are extremely in demand. As awareness for microdosing THC grows, low-dose supplements have become highly sought after. 

Benefits to users include:

  • Enhanced focus 

  • Boost in mood

  • Higher levels of creativity

  • Increased energy

  • Reduced anxiety

  • Relief of a wide-range of bodily discomforts

  • Improved emotional well-being

THC makes it possible for those with chronic conditions to experience advantages (1), while edibles avoid the unfortunate stigma that is still associated with marijuana. 


The beauty industry drives certain supplements because consumers want to feel good from the inside out. The promotion of healthy hair, stronger nails and firmer skin throws oral collagen (2) in our top five for this popularity contest.

As we get older, collagen breaks down, so most people are aware that supplementing it assists in improving bone density and ligament elasticity. 

Athletes seek collagen supplementation as well. Since collagen’s amino acid content is high, it can help with muscle repair and accelerate injury recovery. 

If your target audience includes adults over twenty, collagen is likely on their radar or cabinet.

Sleep Aids 

We know supplements have the ability to greatly impact the future of sleep and since gummies are enjoyable to take, it’s a favorite to help us relax and settle into our nightly routine. Naturally occurring aids used in gummy supplements are: 

  • L-theanine

  • Melatonin

  • CBD

  • Various botanicals

Whether a restless child or an adult suffering from insomnia, users see benefits across the board with sleep aid gummies. 


Most people aren’t eating enough fatty fish or other foods high in omega-3, but studies show how vital this micronutrient is (3). Best known for improving heart and brain function, consumers have been turning to supplementation, and the desire for better tasting omega-3 and fish oil is rising with their interest. 

From prenatal care to elderly, omega-3 is beneficial and in demand.

Vitamin D3

Who doesn’t want to boost their mood, improve brain function, strengthen their immune system and help their body absorb calcium by simply taking a flavorful supplement? There are many reasons why vitamin D is the most popular supplement on the market, but overall we know it is essential.

Vitamin D3 in particular is responsible for maintaining strong bones, teeth, and muscles. It helps us avoid a host of chronic conditions, lethargy and seasonal depression (4)

Develop With Factory6

Whatever your newest idea may be, we are committed to manufacturing products your customers will not only benefit from but truly enjoy. Our innovative team is known for creating new flavors and holds quality in the highest regard. 

Looking to make a THC or CBD product? Understanding how to work with cannabinoid’s taste is important to accomplish a more candy-like flavor profile, and because Factory6 is a leader in the cannabis industry, we are the perfect partners to help develop your next product.

Reference List 

(1) Almog, S., Aharon‐Peretz, J., Vulfsons, S., Ogintz, M., Abalia, H., Lupo, T.,               Hayon, Y., & Eisenberg, E. (2020). The pharmacokinetics, efficacy, and safety of a novel selective‐dose cannabis inhaler in patients with chronic pain: A randomized, double‐blinded, placebo‐controlled trial. European Journal of Pain, 24(8), 1505–1516. https://doi.org/10.1002/ejp.1605

(2) Bolke, L., Schlippe, G., Gerß, J., & Voss, W. (2019). A Collagen Supplement Improves Skin Hydration, Elasticity, Roughness, and Density: Results of a Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Blind Study. Nutrients, 11(10), 2494. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu11102494

(3) National Institutes of Health. (2017). Office of Dietary Supplements - Omega-3 Fatty Acids. Nih.gov. https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Omega3FattyAcids-Consumer/

(4) National Institutes of Health. (2017). Office of Dietary Supplements - Vitamin D. Nih.gov. https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/VitaminD-Consumer


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